Rhubarb: Part 1

I love rhubarb, but have found it so expensive to buy at the farmer’s market or grocery store.  My mom (who lives in northwest MI) has always had a bunch in her garden, so a couple of years ago I asked for some.  First she bought me a root to plant from her local garden shop, but that came completely dried out and was basically dust.  Since that didn’t work, she split off a part of her plant 2 falls ago, brought it to me in a bag filled with dirt and I planted it.  That spring, it came up beautifully.  Everything I read said I should not harvest anything the first year.  It allows the roots to get established fully and will result in a healthier plant going forward.  So for all last summer I could only look longingly at my plant and collect rhubarb recipes on Pinterest to use this year.  Then, last fall, my mom wanted to get rid of all her rhubarb plants to grow something else, so I took the rest and planted it next to last year’s plant.

Here’s what they look like so far this year.  It’s one of the only green things in the garden.  It’s also not the prettiest area of the yard, but it is good soil and sunny.

2nd year plant is on the right, first year on the left.


Second year plant


First year plant


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