Pattypan Squash

At the farmers market last week, there was a giant tub of pattypan squash at one of my favorite vendor’s tent.  Usually I pass right by them, not having any idea what to do with those weird little things.  But this time I decided to give them a try and bought a bunch of them (and some funny globe looking ones).


They sat in my fridge for about a week until I decided I’d better cook them.  I looked up some recipes and oven roasting or grilling seemed to be the best option.  I chose oven roasting and they were fabulous!!  I will definitely be growing some next year!

My recipe for roasting pattypan squash:

Preheat oven to 400°F.  Cut off the tops and bottoms of pattypan squash, then quarter.  In a microwave safe bowl, toss with some extra virgin olive oil, cover with plastic wrap and poke a few holes in the plastic wrap.  To speed up the roasting time, I microwaved them for 3 minutes on high, or just until they were slightly soft.  Uncover, and toss with  a little more olive oil and seasoning.  I seasoned mine with generous amounts of Penzys Spice’s Arizona Dreaming.  Toss out onto a oven safe dish, cook for 20-30 minutes or until nice and roasted.  It was a hit.  I’ll try the same recipe next with those globe shaped squashes!





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