After I saw the very cool White Lined Sphinx Moth last week in my backyard, I heard from my mom and other family members that they too were seeing similar Hummingbird Moths in Michigan. My mom was able to get a picture of this Hummingbird Clearwing Moth (Hemaris thysbe) feeding in her backyard.
I am just fascinated by these great pollinators and I’m amazed I have never seen one before. Or at least I don’t think I’ve seen any of these before. Maybe I was seeing them and just though it was a hummingbird, or a giant bumblebee if it was another type of Hummingbird Moth (Snowberry clearwing (Hemaris diffinis)). I will definitely be keeping my eyes open because these guys are really worth finding and watching.
Have you been seeing them in your garden? Which ones?
photos by Peggy
Karin and I have TONS of hummingbird moths visit the flowers in our backyard! I thought they were hummingbirds first, until an actual hummingbird flew in to join them.
Hi Steve,
Great to hear from you and what a great sight to see the moths and a hummingbird together! I hope mine come back again. Very rarely do I get hummingbirds either. But they both sure are fun to watch.