Peggy’s Feeders

While watching the Cornell Bird FeederCams, it got me to thinking about the very creative set up my mom Peggy has in her backyard in Michigan for feeding birds.  She's been watching and feeding birds for as long as I can remember, and I owe her for passing on her passion for nature and gardening … Continue reading Peggy’s Feeders

Birdfeeder Cams

From my computer, I can't really see much outside. Even if I did, my feeder (yes, only one right now) doesn't usually attract a wide variety of birds.  I do enjoy watching the Goldfinches, Chickadees and Juncoes, but they are often overrun by the usual suburban fare.  So, I've taken to watching the bird cams … Continue reading Birdfeeder Cams

Sunday Feature: Golf Course Gardens

One of the most interesting places I've found to admire gardens is out on the golf course.  Most try very hard to create a very natural, beautiful setting to enhance the experience, which I definitely appreciate.  The gardens and landscaping also work to integrate the courses into their surroundings, which make them a perfect haven … Continue reading Sunday Feature: Golf Course Gardens

How Much Rain Did We Get?

I am forever trying to figure out how much rain we got during a storm. I don't know why, it's just one of those things I want to know. And not in general, like somewhere in the greater Chicago area, or at one of the airports, but in my backyard. have discovered Weatherbug and Weather … Continue reading How Much Rain Did We Get?

It’s a Great Day to be Red: Part 2

After my last RED post, my son's cross country team went on to win the IL State Championship for the first time in team history. And when it comes to sports, I am one of those weirdly superstitious people who think that, somehow, something I've done makes a difference in the results. So, I figured … Continue reading It’s a Great Day to be Red: Part 2

New Bird Feeder

I was lucky enough to recently attend a program, "Amazing Birds", by some local, passionate birders.  Among learning quite a few "amazing" bird facts, they briefly mentioned their favorite thistle (nyjer) feeder to attract goldfinches--a sock feeder.  I forgot about this little tidbit, until I was doing some other bird  shopping  and I came across this … Continue reading New Bird Feeder