It’s Going to Be Cold Tonight!

May freeze warning, what to do?? It's almost Mother's Day and if you're somewhere in the Midwest, mid-Atlantic or Northeast, you're in for an unpleasant weather event the next couple of days. Brrr. Have we not dealt with enough this spring? Hopefully, you've learned from past mistakes and haven't planted those wonderful tender annuals and … Continue reading It’s Going to Be Cold Tonight!

A Disturbance at the Birdfeeders

Many of us are used to having unwelcome visitors to our feeders and gardens. Squirrels, rabbits, even deer are common visitors to our yards.   Whole businesses are out there dedicated to creating garden pest deterrents and squirrel-proof bird feeders.  But, nothing is a match for what came to visit Peggy's feeders. Here's a before... Then, one … Continue reading A Disturbance at the Birdfeeders

July Meadow Wildflowers

We were out on a bike ride over the weekend enjoying the meadow wildflowers that were in bloom (or prairie wildflowers as we call them here in Illinois).  I tried to take some pictures, but between the camera lens being dirty, the mosquitos being so ferocious we needed to keep moving, and taking moving shots of flowers don't work … Continue reading July Meadow Wildflowers

Uh Oh, Frost in MI Last Night

Last night the temperature at my mom Peggy's house was predicted to get down to the low 30's.  That means frost was a real possibility. If you saw her gardens in my post a couple of days ago (Gardening: All in the Family), you know her plants are well underway and many not able to survive … Continue reading Uh Oh, Frost in MI Last Night

Gardening: All in the Family

For as long as I can remember my mom had vegetable and flower gardens, sometimes big, sometimes small.  So did my grandparents.  All this interest in growing things rubbed off on me and hopefully I'll pass it on to my kids.  With that in mind, I had my mom and daughter take us on a tour … Continue reading Gardening: All in the Family

Spring in Northern Michigan??

While I've had my share of bad winter and spring weather here in Chicago, it still isn't nearly as harsh as it's been at my mom Peggy's house in Northern Michigan.  She's still patiently (??) waiting for the soil to get warm enough to get her plants in the ground.  Just yesterday morning, there was yet another dusting … Continue reading Spring in Northern Michigan??

An Unusual Visitor to Peggy’s Feeders

Over the last month or so, a male Ring-Necked Pheasant has taken up residence near Peggy's house in Michigan.  He's been visiting the front porch feeder, enjoying the corn she's been putting out for him.  Haven't seen a female yet, but maybe they're just shy. By the way, this is a view through the front … Continue reading An Unusual Visitor to Peggy’s Feeders

Peggy’s Snowflakes

  With all the snow that Michigan has received this winter, my mom Peggy decided to try and make something fun out of it.  On days that it was warm enough to endure being outside, she experimented with taking pictures of individual snowflakes and came up with some amazing shots.  I've always heard that every … Continue reading Peggy’s Snowflakes

Trips Down Memory Lane

One of the things I've really enjoyed while blogging is having my memory jogged by reading other blogs.  For example, reading about lichens and mushrooms on  another site brought back memories of when I was in high school and my family went to a huge Audubon gathering in the Allegheny State Park called the Allegheny Nature … Continue reading Trips Down Memory Lane