Squirrel Calisthenics

Anytime you put out a bird feeder, you are also bound to be inviting squirrels to your yard.  So, I now have a group, scurry, dray, or whatever a bunch of squirrels might be called, who visit on a regular basis.  I’m beginning to be able to pick each out based on their coloring and eating habits.  One in particular is quite the gymnast. I’m not sure he’s getting any net positive calories, but he sure seems to be having fun doing this.







I really can’t even be upset he’s eating the sunflower seeds because as someone else in my family said, “It’s the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen”.  This guy seems to be the only one who has figured this method of eating from this feeder.  Another one clings a little better, but doesn’t last very long on the feeder. Either way, they don’t get much to eat one seed at a time. The others just scavenge the seeds on the ground or on the snowman statue’s hat.  Not too much of a bother…yet.  Plus, it gives Daisy something fun to do outside.

Here’s a movie of him getting a workout:

As a bonus, if you watch the background, you’ll see some Juncos and a Downy Woodpecker coming to visit.

6 thoughts on “Squirrel Calisthenics

  1. While I’m not a big fan of squirrels,you do have to admire their single minded pursuit of birdseed. Too bad they’re so destructive at times!

  2. Oh, I so have to laugh at this Stephi! I gave my Mother-in-law this same feeder for x-mas. She calls me yesterday and tells me that she put the feeder out for 30 minutes, got about 20 squirrels, and brought it back in. She’s now re gifting it. She cannot stand squirrels….look how cute and fun they are to watch!!

    1. That’s so funny. It is the only one I have they are attracted to. They are so entertaining to watch on it. But if I had twenty show up, I might think differently! I need to check with my mom to see if she gets them on hers.

  3. Looks like he’s getting himself some excellent stomach muscles if nothing else. We have seen squirrels leap amazing distances and crawl across power lines, then drop down to feeders (we called that one Commando Squirrel).

    1. He must be the “muscle” squirrel. The others haven’t been able to do the same move. They really do some amazing maneuvers and as Diane mentioned above, they are very determined.

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