A Disturbance at the Birdfeeders

Many of us are used to having unwelcome visitors to our feeders and gardens. Squirrels, rabbits, even deer are common visitors to our yards.   Whole businesses are out there dedicated to creating garden pest deterrents and squirrel-proof bird feeders.  But, nothing is a match for what came to visit Peggy’s feeders.

Here’s a before…

Bird feeders on a pole

Then, one morning a couple of weeks ago, this is what she woke up to…

black bear damage

Never in the more than 10 years in her house had she ever seen anything like this.  The only thing that can do this kind of damage is a black bear.  And a very large, strong bear it must have been given the size and sturdiness of the feeder stand.  The cross beam had been ripped right off the bolts holding it on.

black bear damage


black bear damage

Feeders were ripped apart.

black bear damage

This homemade suet feeder was impressively ripped open, bending the old steel hinge and ripping off the wire cage.  This was actually the bear’s favorite.  He carried it off into the field behind her house where Nikki, Peggy’s dog, was able to track it down.

Black Bear damage

Peggy put out a animal-cam to try and get a photo of the bear if it decided to come back.  Mostly she just got shots of herself working in the yard and mowing the grass.   It took her while, and with the help of some friends she was able to get everything fixed and back together.

I’d like to show a “ta da look how great it looks’ photo,  but wouldn’t you know, the bear chose THAT NIGHT to come back again.  Not just to her feeder, but to a few others on the block as well.  Unfortunately, all she got on the animal-cam was a big black blur.

black bear damage


bird feeder

This time, the bear wasn’t able to rip down the arm, but did do some pretty bad damage to her more expensive feeders.  Again, with the help of friends, she was able to repair them and now takes them in every night.  It’s a nuisance, but having a bear visit your yard is a bigger nuisance.  Once it gets cold and the bears head into hibernation, she can start leaving them out again. Nikki will be happy too.  She hasn’t been too thrilled about going out at night.

3 thoughts on “A Disturbance at the Birdfeeders

    1. Bears can definitely be a problem in a lot of areas. This was the first time in about 18 years that she’s ever had a problem. Kind of a surprise after all those years.

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